Increase CSAT and agent happiness

When your customer service teams work faster, tickets get resolved quickly and your CSAT scores go up. But when your support reps do less menial, repetitive work, they’ll also be happier. Sounds like a win-win-win, right?

Slow resolutions and repetitive work mean we all lose

Your customers are angry, waiting for their issues to be solved. Your agents are unhappy, having to do the exact same work, day in day out. Add AI automation to filter out the repetitive stuff, and solve tickets way faster.

Increase CSAT by 30%

Increase your customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) by 30% through faster resolution.

2x agent happiness

Double your agent happiness (internal survey data) by reducing time spent on repetitive work.

Reduce repetitive tasks by 40%

Reduce menial, repetitive tasks for your customer support agents by up to 40%.

Speed ticket resolution by 70%

Speed up ticket resolution times by up to 70% as you automate recurring support tasks.

Adjust AI responses to your brand’s tone of voice

Based on current help centre content and customer support conversations, your AI learns your brand’s tone of toice.

Offer support in any language

Global businesses with international customers need to offer multi-lingual support. We’ve got you covered, here.

Automatically hand over tickets from AI to agents

Set your rules for when tickets need to be escalated to your human agents. They take over when more impact is needed.

Help customers find the products they need

Imagine the amount of upsells you could do when you have a 24/7 AI sales rep recommending products on autopilot.

Here’s how we help you increase CSAT scores and agent happiness

When you decide to work with Engaige, you get a step by step approach to implementation, guided by our CX experts.

Step 1

Identify repetitive questions where no human agent is required together with our automation team.

Step 2

Connect your data sources so your AI agent can automatically resolve these repetitive questions.

Step 3

Connect to your back office systems and define your policies so that your AI agent can start solving transactional questions.

Step 4

Free up time from your human agents so that they can focus on the impactful cases where they add real value.

Step 5

Improve CSAT with faster and higher quality answers, as well as improving agent happiness by removing repetitive work from their day.


If you’re looking to increase CSAT scores and human agent happiness at the same time, make sure to check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below.

Still have a question? Make sure to reach out to our team of CX and AI customer service automation experts. We’re here to help.

How do I ensure the AI doesn't take actions in the wrong scenarios?

The AI can only take actions based on the policies you define in our platform. This ensures that the AI operates strictly within the rules and workflows you’ve set. By managing these policies, you have full control over when and how the AI acts, ensuring it only takes action when it has followed the correct, predefined guidelines.

What is AI native customer support?

We use the reasoning capabilities of state of the art large language models (LLMs) to reason about what to do, given the processes, information, and actions it has available. This creates human-like experiences and enables you to handle a wide range of questions without programming them.

I don't have any experience with AI, does that matter?

Not at all! Our implementation team will guide you every step of the way to ensure a smooth and successful integration. We’ll handle the setup and educate you on how the system works throughout the process, so you’ll gain the knowledge you need to feel confident using AI in your customer support. No prior AI experience is required—we’ll make sure you’re fully supported from start to finish.

Is Engaige GDPR-compliant?

Absolutely. At Engaige, we take GDPR compliance very seriously. Protecting customer data and privacy is a top priority. We ensure that personal data is handled with care and in full compliance with GDPR regulations, offering features like data deletion and PII scrubbing to give businesses confidence that sensitive information is safeguarded and managed responsibly.

Increase your CSAT scores and agent happiness today