Customer Engaigement Platform

With AI at the core, we’re solving real life CX problems

Empowering all our products and specifically designed for e-commerce CX

We built Engaige Customer Engaigement Platform with Large Language Models at the core, not by just sprinkling some ChatGPT here and there.

By combining Large Language Models with our own proprietary machine learning systems we are able to go deep into hard, real life problems.


Fine-tuned to your use case

We fine-tune Large Language Models so they specifically behave according to your use case


Human like generated conversations

As our solutions are fully based on Large Language Models the conversations feel natural and human like


Supports any language

Our systems instantly recognise which language your users are speaking and respond accordingly allowing for instant scalability across countries


Trained on all your data

We train and continuously improve our solutions based on your help center content, past conversations, or any other knowledge base


Seamless integration with your systems

We seamlessly integrate with your software suite which allows us to perform actions and provide useful and accurate information

Designed for data privacy

We ensure the privacy of you customer’s data so you can use powerful AI solutions with peace of mind.

Read more about privacy