Solve & Support

Resolve 80% of your support tickets instantly.

We integrate with your current software suite, understand your policies and content, train our models specifically for your use case and autonomously perform actions in your systems.

An image showcasing a path between a question, our engaige chat and all the possible integrations, solving a ticket

Solve & Support Features

An AI reply assisting an agent replying to a customer

AI agent assist

Supercharge your agents by recommending a solution or by surfacing the right content so they can efficiently resolve tickets.

A purple To-do list, checked

Perform automated actions

Automatically perform refunds, start investigations with carriers, or resend missing items based on your business logic.

An image of our engaige chat talking with one real agent called Jaimy

Seamless agent handover

Automatically identify when a customer wants to speak to an agent and transfer them to a human

An image showing a conversation with our engaige chat closing the case

Generated conversations and automated actions to any support question

Generated conversations about anything related to your brand or products to increase Conversion and Customer Satisfaction

Understand customer inquiries and provide personalised responses based on their circumstances
Performs actions in your systems and solves tickets fully autonomously
Fully adjusts to your brand’s tone of voice
Speaks every language
Our engaige chat in the middle of all the possible actions he can help with like, refunds, discounts, orders, etc,..

Setup your autonomous agent within days

Automatically trains on your policies, help center, website content or any other document
Use out of the box actions like scheduling a refund, giving discount codes, cancelling or creating orders, or sending Track & Trace links and many more
See Integrations

Setup your autonomous agent within days

Automatically trains on your policies, help center, website content or any other document
Use out of the box actions like scheduling a refund, giving discount codes, cancelling or creating orders, or sending Track & Trace links and many more
See Integrations
Our engaige chat in the middle of all the possible actions he can help with like, refunds, discounts, orders, etc,..
Our engaige chat communicating with a real cs agent

Escalate to a human agent when needed

Let your agents focus on unique, impactful tickets that require human assistance

We are here to solve complex problems, not to jump on the hype

All our products are powered by Large Language Models from the ground up, not just by some ChatGPT here and there.
Our LLM first approach allows for extremely fast time to value without the extensive manual scenario building.
A graphical design with engaige branding and the sources of data from our products
A graphical design with engaige branding and the sources of data from our products

We are here to solve complex problems, not to jump on the hype

All our products are powered by Large Language Models from the ground up, not just by some ChatGPT here and there.
Our LLM first approach allows for extremely fast time to value without the extensive manual scenario building.