Your customer data is safe with us

Compliant with the highest standards

Engaige is independently audited and certified to meet compliance standards for security, availability, and confidentiality. We are compliant with ISO 27001 and certified for SOC 2.

Data encryption and processing

Your data is encrypted at rest and protected by TLS in transit. We manage our production secrets with AWS tools. And our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) reflects the requirements of the GDPR and CCPA.

Rigorous product design

We prioritize compliance with all relevant data protection laws. And our projects undergo security-design reviews, threat models, and regular pen tests with trusted security vendors.

Trained at all levels

Every one of our employees is trained in the latest privacy and security measures. Our engineers receive additional specialized security training.

Integrated oversight

We’ve appointed a dedicated Data Protection Officer to oversee our ongoing compliance efforts and other security-related measures.